Comedy Spotlight Q&A: Missy Grynkiewicz


I chatted with comedian Missy Grynkiewicz about her upbringing and her stand up career.


Q: When did you know you wanted be a comedian?

I had never really considered it, to be honest. People who saw me perform as an actress and who heard me teaching began to suggest it on a regular basis, so I figured I’d give it a shot. My first go at it was warming up an audience for a taping of another comic’s show, and that’s the night I figured out I wanted to do it some more.

Q: Where did you grow up?

I lived in Salisbury, Md until I was about 9 years old, then spent the rest of my formative years in Milford, De.

Q: What is the hardest part about comedy?

The hardest part is finding parking, and subsequently remembering where the spot is once the show is over. The rest I’m pretty comfortable with- I’ve learned to go with the flow!

Q: How do you balance being a mom, your personal life, work, and doing stand up?

There’s no such thing as balance- that’s either a myth or something that is only achieved by people much cooler than me. I’m always struggling to make sure everything gets the attention it needs, and I’m usually feeling guilty about something. The cool thing is now, though, my career is strictly comedy and related pursuits, so a least I no longer feel like I’m living a double identity… gone are the days of teacher by day, comic by night. Now it’s just this, so there is less of a disconnect between my worlds.

Q: Is there anything off limits in your act?

I will never compromise my integrity or who I am as a performer to deliver a joke that feels wrong to me. As an actor, I will play a character I despise or who says awful things because it’s not me. My stand up IS me, so I will be true to my values.

Q: Let’s get real here for a second..who is funnier: You or Jeremy Hall?

Who is Jeremy Hall?

Q: Who is your favorite comedian and why?

Ugh- I never know how to answer that question! There are a number of comics I admire from afar for so many different qualities, and there are a number of comics that I know in real life that I admire… Can’t I just tell you my favorite ice cream instead? (it’s Ben and Jerry’s Red Velvet Cake)

Q: Are you excited about performing in Canton Thursday?

Wait- I’m performing in Canton Thursday????



Missy will be performing Thursday at Kisling’s Tavern in Canton!

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