I chatted with local artist Mark Bray about his music and fatherhood.
When did you know you wanted to be a musician? Who influenced you?
They say it takes only one moment for someone to become hooked and know that making music is their dream, and for me, it was watching the 1994 television special featuring Garth Brooks. Garth is a huge inspiration, along with Billy Joel, James Taylor, and Jimmy Buffet.
What is the biggest challenge as a performer?
I think the hardest thing to do is the keep the audience engaged for up to four hours at a time. Many times you find yourself going of script because you have to anticipate what the crowd will react to. Sometimes what you think will work doesn’t, and you have to change things up on the fly.
What is your favorite song to perform and why?
The next one. I love building a show and watching how the audience reacts as the night goes on.
If you could duet with a singer or band,living or dead, who would it be and why?
Oh man, that’s a tough one. Garth Brooks is an obvious answer, but there are countless others. As far as Garth goes, because he’s the reason I picked up a guitar. To perform with him would be a true honor.
You recently became a father. How has your life changed?
It’s changed immensely. For the better, of course. Before, everything i did was for myself. Then when I got married, it became about me and my wife. Now, it’s all about my daughter. Everything I do is for her. I work hard at everything… for her.
Are you excited about your show at The Crazy Tuna this Friday?
I absolutely LOVE playing the Tuna. The people are always rowdy. The staff is second to none. Jeff Stone and the entire crew of the Crazy Tuna are the absolute best. We are happy to call it our home in Essex.
Mark performs this Friday at The Crazy Tuna in Essex!
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