I talked to “VEEP” star Timothy Simons about his career, and experiences on the show.
Q: What was your first acting role?
My first acting role in high school was playing a pallbearer in OUR TOWN my senior year. It was after basketball season and I think the director put me and my friends in the show because he thought we could sell some tickets. We laughed the whole way through the funeral.
Q: What is it like working with Julia Louis Dreyfus, and the ensemble cast of “VEEP?”
Terrible. Julia is untalented and the ensemble is a bunch of petty backstabbers, ruthlessly going after their own ends, with none worse than Matt Walsh.
Q: Do you have a favorite episode of “VEEP?”
Huge fan of the London episode.
Q: How did it feel being manhandled by Patton Oswalt?
There’s a lot of clinical detachment that has to go on in-between takes when you both have to pretend that it’s not really happening.
Q: Are you like Jonah in any way?
I’m overconfident in my own abilities. Also sexually monstrous.
Q: If you could have one actress play Jonah’s girlfriend, who would it be?
Tilda Swinton.
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