Here’s a bunch of photos from this weekends Race For The Cure in Hunt Valley, MD. I’m honored to be a part of the Survivors Tent Committee!
My aunt, Gaetana Altobelli. A 27 year breast cancer survivor
The Survivors Tent
A quick shot of Race Village from The Survivors Tent
Thank you ABC 2 for supporting the Race For The Cure every year! Kelly Swoope and Wyatt Everhart pictured.
Survivors receiving hats, and pins for every year being a survivor
Our volunteers hard at work!
Survivors signing their names on photo frames
Photo frame signed by survivors
DJ Paul-izzle
Our Survivors Tent leader, and breast cancer survivor, LeAnne! This was during “Fight Song”, our theme song
Pattie getting the crowd of survivors pumped!
Darlene Stewart, a 50 year breast cancer survivor
Loved this sign in the crowd
The team from Sweet Things & Treats!
The survivors dancing to “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson
Ashley James and Mike Taylor getting ready for a live shot
The Parade of Pink!
Survivor group photo

One Shoe Salute for the survivors

A huge shout out to 101.9 for supporting the race ever year. Pictured: Fast Jimi and Gina Crash
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