I chatted with comedian Rob Cantrell about his childhood and his thoughts on the Maryland/DC comedy scene
Q: Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Washington, DC. When I was ten we moved to Virginia. We moved back to DC when I was sixteen.
Q: When did you know you wanted to be a comedian?
Early on, I always liked to make people laugh. I loved comedy specials growing up, like Eddie Murphy and Robin Williams. They blew me away. I was a creative writing major in college, but I was never a theater kid. After college, I got a few “normal” jobs, then moved out to California. I did stand up for about three years, before I ended up on the first season of “Last Comic Standing.”
Q: What was your experience like on “Last Comic Standing?”
It was a really great learning experience. It was my “first break.”
Q: Is it true you were a teacher at some point?
Yeah I was an assistant Kindergarten teacher. It was a great day job, hard as well, but it wasn’t my calling. The hours helped me out with comedy.
Q: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in life?
I don’t know. ::laughs:: Let’s see…hmm.. (pause) Just doing stand up in the first place. It’s a hard hustle. To try and just make a living out of it is hard. Shit man..other than that..I got nothing. ::laughs::
Q: Hardest part about being on the road?
In general, travel is wear and tear. But for the most part, America is really great. It’s amazing to have the opportunity to travel around the country, and even the world. Can’t wait to come back to Baltimore..going to get some crab cakes, drink some Natty Boh, UTZ chips, drink some more Natty Boh..
Q: Have you ever gotten any advice from other comics?
Yeah, all the time. ::laughs:: Comics are cool. I’ve befriended a lot of them. The name of the game is keep doing it. Get better, keep writing..and don’t be a dick.
Q: Are you excited about your show here this week in Baltimore?
I LOVE Magooby’s. Andrew and Marc (Unger) know what they’re doing. It’s a great opportunity for Baltimore to have an authentic comedy club, where the owners care about who they book. The club is set up great. They have AWESOME tacos FYI.
Rob headlines Magooby’s this Friday and Saturday!
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