I chatted with Baltimore heavyweight Kevin Hock about his roles behind the scenes and at the microphone.
Q: I interviewed you last right before your big red carpet show for The Henchmen. How has life been since?
There’s been a plethora of rewarding experiences and challenges. We got to open for Highly Suspect back in November at Soundstage. It was the best show we’ve got to play so far. After that, we sat down and pondered “What next?” We wanted to figure out where to go from there. With my background in local music, a new band can put out one or two EP’s for a year or so, and then they’re done. It’s a vicious cycle. It’s a huge challenge to put out a second release and see where our music goes from there.
We’re currently working on a FULL EP, but we wanted to give something to the fans sooner. We linked up with Reve and came up with this EP called “Duality.” It’s like two different sides of a coin where one is totally different from the other. We had some common links to make some cool music together.
Q: If you could play with one artist or band LIVE, who would it be and why?
Wow..that’s tough.
I might go with Muse. They’re incredible. I would be scared to play with them ::laughs:: Queen with Adam Lambert would be great as well.
Q: What is your favorite film of 2017 and why?
I can’t say it’s my favorite because I’ve seen so many, but one I just saw and loved was “Wind River.” It stars Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olson. It’s such a great indie, crime movie.I say “indie” not in the sense that it’s not an artsy film where you’re watching plants grow and you’re so, so bored. It’s so suspenseful.
Q: Is there a favorite song of yours on the new EP?
I would have to say “Don’t You Worry.”
On The Henchmen front, it’s “Miss Bad News.” No one’s heard it. It’s a fun song about a chick who goes around causing trouble everywhere she goes. Not just in love, but every aspect of life.
Q: I interviewed Smantx last week, and they admire you so much for what you do for the local music scene. How did you get involved in the promotion side of it?
When you’re in a band and a teenager, you don’t have clubs beating down your doors to play. We stated out playing VFW and church halls. It was cool, but I had to take charge. I’ve been getting people to come see my band since I was sixteen years old. As I got older, clubs would give me dates and ask which dates we wanted. I started in promotions for Bourbon Street, then Soundstage, and then 24/7 Entertainment. I’ve always had a love for putting events together and showing people a good time. I have such a unique perspective, because I’ve been there, and want to see new bands succeed.
Q: Are you excited about the Triple EP Release show with Smantx, The Henchmen, and Yo No Say this Saturday?
Meh, I don’t know. There’s a ton of good stuff on Netflix. I love Papa Johns Pizza..
I’ll bring pizza and we’ll binge watch “House Of Cards” or something.
Or “Narcos!” Do you think people would notice if I don’t show up?
In all seriousness, I’m super super excited to be playing with Smantx and Yo No Say. I’ve always told the guys of Smantx that they’re one of the coolest local bands we have. I’ve been waiting a year for their new EP ::laughs:: I saw Yo No Say headline a show last year and they DESTROYED it. What I loved about them was they stood front and center the entire night and cheered on all the bands before they had to go on. Saturday should be a blast!
The Triple EP Release Show is THIS Saturday at Baltimore Soundstage.
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