I had the chance to interview David Cook recently and was asked to review his show. I’ve been a fan of his for a while, and well, I LOVE Rams Head Annapolis.
The moment he stepped on stage, Cook showed his personality.
“Hey everyone, I’m that guy from that thing.”
Yes. David won Season 7 of “American Idol.” And yes. I voted for him a bazillion times. (Thanks DialIdol)
He starts off his set with head banger “My Declaration.” Yup. Dude can SING and rock out like the best of ’em.
Between songs he jokes “Man, that opener was awesome. They sounded like silverware and plates.”
Someone in the crowd then yells out “You look tired!” David laughs and replies “Thanks! That’s my wife by the way.” (lol) He also ate at Mission BBQ earlier that day.
His guitar player starts to play a chord and David stops him and says “Oh no, that sounds like the beginning of that Sarah McLachlan commercial!” and starts singing “In the arms of the Angel..please donate what you can.”
The crowd is in stitches at this point.
His tune “Laying Me Low”, which is off his album “Digital Vein”, is funky. Funky, funky, funky. David explained that he hated the song until he recorded it. Sounds good to me, bro!
One of my favorite performances was his hit “Come Back To Me.”
He explains that this song makes him remember that he gets to do it all and that he’s incredibly grateful for all of his fans.
This is classic Cook. My god. He just rocked out to this one.
He mentioned that he hasn’t shaved in a few days. He dubbed it “#IdolStubble..probably about top 7 or top 8.” lol.
I mentioned “Classic Cook” a few lines ago. Yup. He followed that up with “Light On” which was a big hit for him post-Idol. David even gave a shout out to the late Chris Cornell for writing the song. He nails the song and made me fall in love with it all over again.
His encore (which he never left the stage for) was “Warfare.”
Seductive. Spellbinding. SEXY. ::fans self::
I would have to say that was one of my favorite concert experiences EVER. Yes. EVER.
David Cook may be “That guy from that thing.”
But he’s more than that. He’s grown into his own artist. And quite frankly..he’s a fucking goofball. That’s SO refreshing to see an artist show some of their personality at a live show. You can tell it’s freeing for him.
I will be front row center at the next David Cook show that comes my way. No question!
Read my interview with David Cook