I chatted with Corey Smith about swimming with sharks and performing acoustically.
Continue reading Q&A: Corey SmithI chatted with Corey Smith about swimming with sharks and performing acoustically.
Continue reading Q&A: Corey SmithI chatted with Mary Ramsey of 10,000 Maniacs about her experiences around the world and the legend that is “MTV Unplugged: 10,000 Maniacs.”
Continue reading Q&A: Mary Ramsey Of 10,000 ManiacsI chatted with Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein about “RENT”, Baltimore, and their new film “Weed The People.”
Continue reading Q&A: Ricki Lake & Abby EpsteinI chatted with Director Richard Yeagley about his creative process and his film “The Sunday Sessions.”
Continue reading Q&A: Director Richard YeagleyI chatted with local actor Steve Polites about filming a movie in China and his new play “Everything Is Wonderful.”
Continue reading Q&A: Steve Polites