I chatted with Blake Christiana from Yarn about their Lucky 13 Project and the trials and joys of being on the road.
When did you know you wanted to be a musician?
::laughs: I’ve never gotten that one before. I’ve been playing music my whole life. My father started my guitar lessons when I was around eight years old. I feel like I started taking to it more when I was thirteen or fourteen.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in life?
Putting this band together, travel around the country and try to make a living.
Is there a story behind the band name?
We’re a band that spin yarn and tell stories.
What is your favorite song to perform and why?
Right now it’s the song called “Cocaine Bear.” It’s a true story about a bear in Georgia who came across a lot of cocaine.
What is the Lucky 13 project?
This is something we started in 2018. We release four tracks every month – two new studio tracks, an alternate take of one of those tracks, and a solo rendition of an older song. We did that for twelve months. We’ve released part one and part two on CD and Spotify. We didn’t want to just give our music away. We wanted to give our fans a new experience.
I read that you play a shit ton of shows a year. What toll does it take on you physically and emotionally?
It can be rough. It’s really hard work. Thankfully, people want us to play all those shows. I’m pretty lucky because we all get along and we don’t want to kill each other regularly ::laughs::
One of the tracks I listened to was called “Carolina Heart.” What is the song about?
That song is about finding the love of your life. Whether that’s something or someone, I think people can identify with the song regardless.
Are you excited about your show here in Annapolis August 22nd?
Oh yeah! I’ve only played their once, but that was a special crowd. It’s one of those venues where you can get intimate with the fans and really tell a story.
Yarn headlines Rams Head Annapolis on Thursday, August 22nd!
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