I chatted with Nicholas Davis about his experience on “The Voice”, what makes him tick, and yes..we even sing a song from “Phantom Of The Opera” together.
When did you know you wanted to be a musician?
It’s in my blood. My grandfather played the accordion and piano. I’m from a large family so it was always a part of get togethers. My mom always had the 60’s Motown on in the car. My dad with Sam and Dave and Bread. I started playing piano in second grade, fell in love with jazz, The Grateful Dead. I found out in High School that I could sing, so it was around that time I knew. We put a band together, and I started doing theater.
What was your favorite play you were a part of?
My favorite play was “Anything Goes.” “Joseph and The Technicolor Dream Coat” was fun as well. I loved singing those songs even to this day.
I just saw “Phantom Of The Opera” for the first time, and the songs are STILL stuck in my head.
Which song?
“All I Ask Of You.”
::singing:: “Let me be your shelter, let me be your light..”
::singing:: “You’re safe, no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you.”
That song is rad, man! ::both laugh::
Leading into Halloween, I watched the Universal “Phantom Of The Opera.” It’s so cool and it gives an explanation on what he did before he became the Phantom.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in life?
I honestly don’t know, dude. I’ve played it kind of safe I think. I snuck out of my parents house and I hated it. I snuck out of school once, and I hated it. I have three kids and a wife. I like watching Disney movies. Maybe trying to raise a family on playing music? Now THAT is crazy. We tell our kids to live their dreams. But to actually to be able to live YOUR dream while supporting them is damn beautiful.
If you could describe your experience on “The Voice” in one word, what would it be and why?
‘Best music school ever.’ We did interview training, studio group sessions, solo group sessions, bump interviews before breaks..it kind of reminded me of being in theater. I was able to connect with the musicians, the stage hands, the crew. Everyone became pals. It was a blending of dreams and reality. Give it back to God, it’s awesome.
How have you grown from your first EP to now?
I feel like that EP was lifetimes ago, Nick. It was pre-kids, pre-wife. I was a totally different person.
You mentioned you have a family. How hard can it be tough on the road?
It’s the ying to my yang. I’m so blessed to be able to play my music and walk in the door of these historic venues. It’s a dream come true. The sacrifice is being away from your family. We’re all away to a degree if we have nine to five job. So we all just have to find the balance.
Are you excited about your upcoming show with Samantha Fish?
I’m so excited! I’m really pumped about the new record and super excited to get on the road and bring it to the people. Can’t wait to turn my emotions into notes!
Nicholas will be opening for Samantha Fish Tuesday, December 17th at the 9:30 Club! Buy tickets
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