I chatted with Brad Bowers about his theater experience and the phenomenon that is “Mamma Mia!”
Talk about your background, where you’re from, etc
I was born and raised in Towson, Maryland. I graduated from Johns Hopkins University and attended graduate school in Sweden
What was Sweden like?
It was amazing. It prepped me for the “Mamma Mia” when the second movie came out and people went crazy!
When did you know you wanted to be an actor?
It’s been up and down forever. I decided I wanted to act when I was nine years old. I saw my cousin in a show. I went home and told my mom I wanted to do that. She signed me up for a theater camp and I fell in love with it. A couple years later, I started doing professional work in the Baltimore and DC area.
For someone who doesn’t know what “Mamma Mia” is about, what is it about and who do you play?
“Mammia Mia” is about a girl, Sophie, who is looking to find her father. She figures out she could have three possible dads. To figure out who it is, she invites them all to her wedding. I play Sky, the man she is marrying.
What is your favorite song from the musical?
That’s tough. I really think it’s “Mamma Mia.” There’s NOTHING like that intro guitar riff to get everyone pumped. It hits me in the core.
Why do you think audiences love “Mamma Mia” so much?
ABBA are genuises. When I was in Sweden, ABBa fever was everywhere. When I grew up, there was a group called A*Teens who covered all ABBA songs. So I think they brought those songs into this new generation as well. These songs in the musical are classics.
You get to sing a great song called “Lay All Your Love On Me.”
Oh yes! It’s awesome. I love that song.
I prefer the duet in the movie, not the original ABBA version for some reason.
The duet is interesting because it changes keys and it alternates choruses like it’s a conversation.
Are you excited about opening night Friday?
Excited and nervous. I have three or four inch platform shoes I need to start dancing in this weekend to get ready. ::laughs::

Brad stars in “Mamma Mia!”, playing at Dundalk Community Theatre starting March 6th! Buy tickets