I chatted with comedian Matt Braunger about his career and love of Taylor Swift
Technically born in Chicago. My parents moved to Oregon when i was very very young. Went to college in New York and then moved to Chicago to become a comedian. I moved to Los Angeles around seventeen years ago.
When did you know you wanted to be a comedian?
I used to do plays in school. The moment you get that first laugh, you’re like “Yup, that’s it.” Then it’s really about finding something to keep that up. I was an actor until i got out of college. I got into improv and then stand up. I felt like it was more in my lane. I had a few people encouraging me to go for it so i finally got the stones to move out to LA. I didn’t want to be just some waiter or bartender.
I loved the show “Up All Night” you co-starred in. What was that experience like?
It was a blast! Myself and my screen wife, Jean Villepique, had the easiest job in the world. We just got to show up and be insane. We were like the asshole Flanders’, from “The Simpson’s. I was Ned Flanders with a dick. You had Will and Christina playing a reach character. I just had to show up and be insane. They let me improv a lot. It was a dream. We were only supposed to be in one episode. The writers liked us a lot and kept writing us into episodes. It’s one of those work environments that i don’t have any bad memories of at all.
I saw on your Twitter that you invited Taylor Swift to your show in PA this week. What would you do if she showed up to your show Saturday?
I would buy her and her friend a beer. I would be knocked out if she showed up. It would be so fun because someone of her level would be trapped and she couldn’t leave. They would have to call security.
Taylor, if you’re reading this, we’ll protect you. There’s enough wild maniacs in Baltimore to protect you while you get to your vehicle.
Are you a big fan of hers?
I was knocked out by her “Folklore” album. My wife and i were driving across country during the pandemic. I feel like we snapped but in a good way — let’s drive to Boston! I moved a crib and two gigantic suitcases in and out of so many hotels i can’t even remember.
That album became our theme album. It’s easy to listen to. We listened to a lot of different shit but we would always throw that album on. er poppy stuff isn’t my favorite thing but i don’t get mad at it. She writes her own songs..it’s pretty cool. The way she can come up with these massive hits is fascinating.
On your Instagram, there’s a photo of you in panties in Vegas. What bet did you lose?
All of them. We went to a fancy dinner and then got out to the tables. We always allot a certain amount to lose. My wife loves craps and the lowest betted hand was fifty bucks. We lost hundreds of dollars so fast. We then played slots and then lost terribly at those as well. We got the hint and went back to the room.
Would you ever go back to another weekly sketch show like “MadTv?”
It would depend on which one it was. I miss the action of that show. I was probably thirty pounds heavier than I am now and a full head of curly hair. This was back when The Jonas Brothers had that thick hair. One of the writers pitched getting the Jonas Brothers and I would be their older brother. He’s fatter, writes shitty songs, etc. The idea was funny but they couldn’t get the Brothers.
You’re a big horror movie fan. Which is your favorite?
“The Thing” is so cool, claustrophobic, super manly and fucked up. “An American Werewolf In London” is scary and funny. Horror comedy is one of the hardest things to pull off.
Are you excited about your show here in Baltimore this Saturday?
It would be amazing if I was like “No!” And then hung up. Of course I’m excited, it’s Baltimore. It such a vibrant city. It’s a place where the residents are genuinely happy to be from there, and not in some ironic way. It’s my last show of the year as well. I’m excited to go out with a bang!
Matt headlines The Second Saturday Shit Show at Ottobar this Saturday! Buy tix