Halloween Q&A: Austin Falk (“Tales Of Halloween”)

Photo Credit: Brad Everett Young
Photo Credit: Brad Everett Young

I chatted with “Tales Of Halloween” star about his new film, and what it takes to keep in shape.

Q: What is “Tales Of Halloween” about?

It’s a horror anthology film, comprised of different short films by ten different directors. All take place in the same evening in the same town.


Q: What segment are you in, and who do you play?

I’m in Dave Parkers segment, which opens the film. My character is named Kyle, and is helping his girlfriend babysit. I tell the kid a story about the Halloween legend, Sweet Tooth.


Q: Do you prefer drama or comedy?

I find they’re not too terribly different. I took “2 Broke Girls” seriously, and I was coming at it from an honest place, but the situations were more outlandish and humorous. “Tales Of Halloween” is much more dramatic. Some parts are funny, but more dramatic for sure. I enjoy them both. It stresses you as an actor in different ways.


Q: What is your favorite part of the Halloween season?

It’s getting the opportunity to hang out with friends, watch scary movies, and gorge on candy, chocolate and s’mores!


Q: What is your favorite horror film?

“Tales Of Halloween.” ::laughs:: “The Conjuring..”I enjoyed that one. Not so much blood and gore, but it messes with your head because you don’t see everything. Sort of like “The Sixth Sense.”

Oh, “The Conjuring” scared the shit out of me,my friend.

::Laughs:: that’s great!


Q: What was your experience at San Diego Comic Con like?

Tons of fun. I was there once before, but not to promote my own project. We showed the world premiere trailer for the film, and got to interact with the press and fans. Some of the cast and crew reunited..we hadn’t seen each other since December!

Q: You seem very active on Social media. What does it mean to be able to communicate with your fans?

I think that’s one of the coolest things I get to do. To reach out to people I admire, or getting to be able to share excitement for one of my projects. When someone tweets “Just saw one of your episodes,  great job!” it’s hard not to smile. I try to interact as much as I can.


Q: How important to you is it to stay in shape?

Fitness has always been a part of my lifestyle. I’ve played a lot of sports. Going to the gym, running..I feel better when I’m being active. I sleep much better too. It’s not always fun, but I feel more awake and full of energy.


Q: Do people still ask you to do the Nash accent?

For a while my friends would, because they didn’t know I could do it. But now it’s sporadic.


“Tales Of Halloween” is released in theaters and VOD THIS FRIDAY

“Tales Of Halloween” Official Website

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