I sat down with Christian Rivera from Fatally Yours recently, and chatted about
Q: Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the deep heart of Essex in Baltimore County. Still live there to this day. I’ve served in the military previously as well.
Q: When did you know you wanted to be a musician?
Pretty much from the moment I picked up a guitar. My dad had an old beat up acoustic guitar that he had since before I was born. I thought he was the worlds best guitar player, but in reality he didn’t know what he was doing ::laughs:: Between that and my moms insane record collection, ranging from Johnny Cash to Led Zeppelin, I was pretty musically inclined right out of the womb.
Q: Is there a story behind the band name?
When Keith and I were deciding to put a band together, we were going through ideas and that one just came about. We’re very big fans of Alkaline Trio, and it’s in homage of them.
Q: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in life?
I would say join the Army. That’s a journey that has taken me ot every corner of the Earth. I’ve done things, mentally and physically, that I never though I would ever experience.
Q: What is your favorite song of yours and why?
That’s a good question..there are sooo many. I would have to say “Damn Your Eyes” is high up there.
That one just shows how far we’ve come. It’s a fantastic song. It’s not the most complex song, but it’s one that I would perform on repeat.
Q: If you could duet with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?
If I could be on the same stage with Johnny Cash, that would be pretty darn amazing. That man..there’s a depth to him. He’s such a fantastic artist, who had a huge influence on my life.
Q: What is the hardest part of being on tour?
Being away from home for sure. But also being able to eat right. You’re eating junk food, unless you can hit a park and use one of their grills. But who has time for that?
Q: I heard you guys were filming something this week at your show..explain?
We’re wrapping up recording on a new song called “Another You.” Some of the footage from this show will be used for the upcoming music video for that song. It’s kind a way to give back to our fans in Baltimore. All of our fans mean a lot to us, but the hometown fans are near and dear to our hearts. We want to show the world what kind of music scene we have here in Baltimore.
Q: Are you excited about your show at Angels Rock Bar?
We’re stoked about every show, honestly ::laughs:: Some people love being in the studio, but I only tolerate it. NOTHING compares to being out there on stage playing live.
Fatally Yours plays Angels Rock Bar this Thursday with VEER!
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