Q&A: Adam Gerber (“The Christians”)

I chatted with actor Adam Gerber about his journey to the stage and his role in “The Christians.”

Q: Talk about your childhood, where you grew up, etc.

I’m from Long Island, New York. I spent most of my younger life in New York. I eventually moved to D.C. for college.


Q: When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

I think it was a seed that was planted in my head when I was growing up. My parents used to take me to musicals on Broadway. I remember seeing “Les Mis” and “Phantom Of The Opera” and being enamored. I didn’t really pursue acting until I was in college. I was a prop runner and experienced the behind the scenes magic. The actors, costume, lighting..it took me by storm. I went on and received waayyyy more education in acting than anyone ever needs. ::laughs::


Q: What was your first acting gig?

I was eleven years old and they painted sideburns on me. I played Daddy Warbucks in a summer camp production.

Paid in juice boxes, amirite?!

Exactly, paid in juice boxes, and camp celebrity.


Q: What was your “Shear Madness” experience like?

I had three auditions for that play, and we didn’t get the script until first read through. So I had no clue what to expect. It was so unique. The audience gets to vote on who the killer is. I’ve played three parts: Mikey in the original production, and understudied two other parts. No night was EVER the same. No two audiences were the same. They would throw out different questions and have their own personality. It was a great experience.


Q: Do you ever get nervous when you go out on stage?

Oh, yeah! I think I get more nervous when there are people I know out there. There are ALWAYS butterflies regardless. I think that’s part of the profession.


Q: What is “The Christians” about?

The play is about a mega-church of about four to five thousand congregation members.  The domination of the church is deliberately withheld. It’s about the head pastor who questions if hell is the distance between  earth and what we go through.  Or is it this carnivorous underworld? It causes a schism within the church. We get the human experience of five different characters throughout the play.


Q: You guys will be backed up by three local choirs. Are you intimated at all?

I think it’s awesome with a capital A. The choirs are outstanding. To have that talent and beauty on stage with us every night? I think it will lift us up to new heights.

What I love about this production is that Center Stage is going out into the community. Actual community members will be a part of our play. I think that’s fantastic.


Q: Are you excited about “The Christians” run in Baltimore?

Oh yeah! I’m super excited. Every once in a while there’s a play that you come across, and it just BAM! hits you. I think the message is important across faiths. I can’t wait to say those words every night in such a beautiful theater.

(Photo Credit: Richard Anderson)

“The Christians” is now playing at Baltimore Center Stage through October 8th!

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