Egg Crack Challenge


A new challenge is sweeping the internet. It’s called the Egg Crack Challenge!

Maryland native, Will Hauver, passed away from complications with an illness. He was also a Type 1 Diabetic. During the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge phenomenon, Will decided to post a video of him cracking an egg on his head, dubbed the Egg Cracking Challenge. He donated to ALS, but also wanted to give awareness to T1 Diabetes.

The current campaign in his honor has raised $40,000.

WBAL TV 11’s Vanessa Herring has nominated me to participate. But first, here’s her video

Donate to the JDRF HERE

Donate to Will’s McDonogh Memorial Fund

Video In Memory of Will

Also, tweet Ellen Degeneres and use the hash tag #EllenEggCrack and #EggCrackChallenge to keep the movement going!



Press Release: Kristen Johnston to offer Keynote at Baltimore Recovery Event

Kristen Johnston


Kristen Johnston to offer Keynote at Baltimore Recovery Event

March 2, 2015

Baltimore, MD – Award-winning actress, Kristen Johnston (3rd Rock from the Sun, Exes), will be the featured speaker at the annual Mae Abraham Legacy Luncheon to be held at the Baltimore Four Seasons Hotel on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015.

This event, formerly known as the Women in Recovery Luncheon, is an annual fundraiser – now in its 8th year – sponsored by Father Martin’s Ashley. The event raises awareness and funds for scholarships and programming initiatives for women at the inpatient addiction treatment center located in Havre de Grace.

Johnston is the acclaimed author of Guts: The Endless Follies and Tiny Triumphs of a Giant Disaster – an autobiography which chronicles her addiction to alcohol and pills that began when she was in high school. According to her publisher, Gallery Books, the memoir continues to help and inspire both addicts and non-addicts alike, despite being released more than two years ago.

With a wide variety of stage, screen and television roles to her credit, Johnston is also the founder and executive director of SLAM (Sobriety, Learning And Motivation), a non-profit geared toward building a sober high school in New York City ( She also teaches at NYU.

Father Martin’s Ashley is a private, non-profit, nationally recognized leader in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, chemical dependency and chronic pain. Additional information, as well as sponsorships and tickets for the Luncheon featuring Kristen Johnston, are available online at, or by calling 410-273-2343.


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