WBAL’s Megan Pringle posed at the Today Show studios, while on assignment following the Baltimore treasure hunt winners! Will & Bill received tickets to this mornings OneRepublic concert at the plaza.
Video link: http://bit.ly/1qEgBtt
WBAL’s Megan Pringle posed at the Today Show studios, while on assignment following the Baltimore treasure hunt winners! Will & Bill received tickets to this mornings OneRepublic concert at the plaza.
Video link: http://bit.ly/1qEgBtt
CW Baltimore has released a trailer for the hit sitcom “Mike & Molly”, which is heading to the station this Fall in syndication! The show will air at 6pm and 7pm weeknights.
Video Link: http://bit.ly/1kVnzlU
WBAL’s Keith Mills pied in the face this morning by the Oriole Bird. The moment is a part of the Orioles My Magic Moments!