Q&A: Ben C. from Thunder Down Under

I chatted with Ben Cleary from Australia’s Thunder Down Under recently. We talked about the show AND the struggles of being on tour.

How long have you been with Thunder From Down Under?

About two years now.


What are some of the requirements of joining the show?

The main requirement would be that you’re Australian. You have to have an Australian accent ::laughs:: Beyond that it’s mostly just being a genuine and nice person. Everyone’s really down to earth here.


Do you have a dance background or did you have to learn?

Most of the boys don’t have backgrounds in dance. Unlike some of the other shows, we’re just regular blokes.


What kind of cardio do you do to keep in shape?

The show itself is really good cardio. The Vegas show especially..we do eight shows a week. It can get a bit boring walking on a treadmill so on the road we try to find somewhere to hike on our free time.


Is it hard to balance your personal life and your stage persona?

Not really. The people you see on stage are the people you’ll meet after the show.


What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in life?

Sky diving or surfing big waves.


How tough can touring be on you guys?

It’s definitely tough. We’re ready to pack up and go home by December. We all love each other to bits. At the same time, you might want your own space sometime. Living with each other CAN be a good thing though. We’re all close so if one of us has a problem, the others are always there.


What is your favorite routine and why?

I’ll have to say the Tarzan routine. ::laughs::  And the fireman routine. They’re both fun, lots of great music involved.

Are you excited about your show here in Baltimore?

Yes! We were there last year and had a HEAP of fun. The crowds are always lively in Baltimore.

Australia’s Thunder From Down Under headlines Baltimore Soundstage 3/30 AND 3/31!

3/30 Tickets

3/31 Tickets

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