I chatted with actress Dyan Cannon about her illustrious career and her new film “Hope’s Legacy”
When did you know you wanted to be an actress?
I wrote a whole book about that called “Dear Cary”, which is going to be made into a mini-series by ITV. I’m Executive Producing it and it’s very exciting.
I knew from whenever I knew anything that I wanted to be doing this.
You’ve done everything – Television, Film, Theater. Which is your favorite and why?
It depends on the project, my love. As a matter of fact, I’ve been working on a Broadway show for six years. It’s based on my book “Dear Cary.”
During quarantine, is there a show you’ve been binging the entire time?
I LOVED “The Crown.” I also liked “Schitt’s Creek.” It’s amazing.
It’s quite honestly one of the funniest show I’ve ever seen.
And we need that right about now.
Catherine O’ Hara is a comedy goddess.
She’s incredible! She got a new fan in me. I loved everyone in that show.
How big of a Lakers fan are you?
I don’t how you would compare a fan to fan. I’ve been a fan since Terry West was playing. I’ve seen them through wins and losses and defeats. I’ve been friends with some of the coaches and players over the years. I love ALL sports, but basketball is my favorite.
We just entered a new year. Do we have any resolutions or hopes?
Peace on earth and goodwill to men is my prayer. I hope all of the projects I’ve been working on will get made. I also hope the divisiveness in our country heals.
What was it like producing, directing, starring and editing the short film “Number One?”
That was great fun and rewarding. I received an Oscar nomination for it. That wasn’t the only time I’ve done that — the other was “The End Of Innoncence.” It takes a village to do ANYTHING well in this business and I couldn’t have done it without so many people. It’s an experience that I still treasure.
What is your new film “Hope’s Legacy” is about and who do you play?
It’s such a sweet family film that I did with some friends in Maryland. It’s a film you can put your entire family in front of. There’s nothing destructive in it. I play a woman who made a mistake and has to come up with it.
I had never been to Maryland before this and I just fell in love with the land and the people and the horses and the generosity. It was pretty delightful. We were working one night in the arena shooting a scene and my high heel got stuck in the chair and I fell down on the pavement. I couldn’t walk for a week so they were carrying me to and from the set. I was determined to finish the film so they wouldn’t go over budget. When you’re filming a low budget feature, every penny counts.
The directors wife would get up at 4am to cook the cast and crew breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was THAT kind of village. Folks were giving us their barns and homes and even horses to use and film in.
What was it like being around all of those beautiful horses?
Oh I didn’t want to leave, They would have to chase me out of the barn every day. One of the horses had a baby during filming and the colt was so beautiful. It was beautiful to see the mothers love around it as well.
I chatted with your co-stars Taylor and Allen Williamson and they spoke very highly of you. What was it like working with them?
They are so precious. So down to earth, great people. Willing and able. Nothing was too much. They’re very special kids. I hope this films helps their careers.
Are you excited about the release of “Hope’s Legacy?”
Oh yes! I’m so grateful for everyone involved. A lot of people gave and gave and gave. I’m glad it’s finally being released.
“Hope’s Legacy” is available to stream online and VOD services!
Stream “Hope’s Legacy” + Official Website
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