I chatted with Kevin and Lauren from Odd Foxes about their upcoming show and..well..foxes!
When did you know you wanted to be a musician?
Lauren: Oh, that’s a question. It’s been in my blood since a kid. I grew up in a very musical family. We’ve been doing musicals and plays since I was about seven.
Kevin: My first crush was Cyndi Lauper so I knew I was obsessed with music then. In second grade, I performed a New Kids On The Block group on the recess playground. I was Jordan Knight
::all laugh::
I was quite the hit in second grade. Grunge came along in the 90s and I started my first band.
I would pay GOOD money to go back in time and record that.
Kevin: I got the right stuff
How did Odd Foxes form?
Lauren: This is a rebirth of our past band, The Henchman.
Kevin: We were writing new songs and the lineup was ever changing. Lauren and I thought the new music was justified for a fresh start. The music is involving..it just felt right. I’m a fox, and Lauren is odd.
Swap that out and I think it’s more believable..
Kevin: Wow, Nick! I’m taken aback by your brazenness.
But why foxes?
Lauren: Have you ever seen a fox?! They’re sleek, they’re sly, they’re cool.
Kevin: Lauren and I were talking about the band name and Lauren had on fox socks. So it was fate, I guess.
How did your song “God damn” come about?
Kevin: We were working on the piano part of the song and I just started writing words. It’s about the moment when you meet someone and they light your world on fire. I think it’s relatable..everyone has that a few times in their life right?
Lauren: The pieces just came together..damn it!
Kevin: “play the goddamn bass part in the goddamn song, goddamn it!”
I mean this in the most loving way, but Lauren..how do you deal with Kevin?
Kevin: Nick, I thought we were bros?!! ::all laugh::
Lauren: There’s a training and preparation. I’ve had some of the most fun times hanging out with Kevin. There will always be smiling and laughing. Even though he’s a little crazy and off the wall, we love him
Kevin, what is it like working with Lauren?
Kevin: It’s wonderful. I think her voice is so enchanting. It was a dream come to true to include her in this. We have a lot of fun together. You said you’re gonna VenMo me for that right?
What is the last show you binged?
Lauren: “Fallout”
Kevin: I watch so many shows at once ::laughs:: Just re-watched “House of The Dragon”
I would have to watch “Game Of Thrones” first..I’ve seen the Red Wedding episode but that’s it.
::Kevin and Lauren laugh::
Kevin: Wow! It carries no emotional weight whatsoever ::laughs::
It was awesome to watch
Kevin: No it wasn’t! Wow! ::laughs::
Favorite movie of all time?
Kevin: “Shawshank Redemption”
Lauren: “Dumb and Dumber”
Betty or Veronica?
Lauren: ohhh..Betty!
Kevin: Betty.
Kevin, what is your part of the Maryland Music scene?
Kevin: Wait, you think I like it?
You just got a big award a few years back, don’t make me take it back! ::all laugh::
Kevin: It’s cool to be a part of the community that really has your back.
Lauren: I love how eclectic it is. You can see musicians from Baltimore.. hip Hop, grunge, Rock. Where I live, you can go see country, folk, rock. It’s a big family unit.
Kevin: ::disguising his voice as bandmate Brian Reilly:: And mostly Kevin Hock!
Kevin: “Brian, you weren’t invited to this!”
Lauren, if you could duet with any artist living or dead, who would it be and why?
Kevin: Wow bro, really? That’s already been answered! ::Lauren laughs::
Lauren: Outside of Kevin Hock, I’m on a huge Arctic Monkey kick. So, Alex Turner. That man is a musical genius and pick his brain and absorb his talent.
Kevin: I’m still going to have to go with Zooey Deschanel. I’ll love her forever.
Lauren: What a babe.
Kevin: She’s such an old soul. Runner up would be Rachel Price from Lake Street Drive.
Are you guys excited about your upcoming show?
Kevin: Ehh.
::all laugh::
Lauren: I was waiting for the smart ass comment!
Kevin: It’s going to be a blast! You mentioned Brian before and he’s my best friend. I’ve never played with him in a band before.
Lauren: It’s going to be a great time!

Odd Foxes headline Metro Gallery Saturday, June 8th! Buy tix