Author Spotlight Q&A: Dustin McNeill
I chatted with Dustin McNeill about his love for horror films and some of the horror books he’s authored.
Continue reading Author Spotlight Q&A: Dustin McNeillComedy Spotlight Q&A: Adam Ferrara
I chatted with comedian Adam Ferrara about his memories of “Top Gear” and his love of muscle cars and Andrea Martin.
Continue reading Comedy Spotlight Q&A: Adam FerraraComedy Spotlight Q&A: Gina Brillon
I chatted with comedian Gina Brillon about her journey on “America’s Got Talent” and her love of the two George’s!
Continue reading Comedy Spotlight Q&A: Gina BrillonQ&A: Cory Jeacoma (“4400”)
I chatted with actor Cory Jeacoma about his Broadway career and his new role in The CW’s “4400”
Continue reading Q&A: Cory Jeacoma (“4400”)